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Forageplus Hoof and Skin Health Winter Balancer 1 kg eller 5 kg
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Dette tilskuddet, som er lav på jern, er formulert med tanke på hov- og hudhelse hos hesten ved hjelp av data hentet inn fra vitenskapelige analyser av Forageplus sine prøver. Alle Forageplus Balancers kommer i pulverform, inneholder lite sukker og stivelse, inneholder ikke unødvendig fyllstoff og bare mineraler og vitaminer med høyeste renhet. Mineralene som brukes er av høy kvalitet for å sikre mot forurensning av tungmetaller og muliggjør god absorpsjonshastighet.
Forageplus anbefaler fôring av ekstra mikronisert linfrø gjennom vintermånedene om hesten hovedsakelig får kun høy eller ensilasje gjennom vinterhalvåret. Dette vil sikre gode nivåer av essensielt fett omega 3 for å opprettholde og støtte hestens helse.
Tilførsel av riktige nivåer av næringsstoffer i fôr er et viktig hensyn når du opprettholder og støtter:
- Sunne høver uten sprekker og med gode lameller
- Sunne stråler
- Sunn hud
- Skinnende og blank pels uten blekede områder
- Sterke sender, ledd og ligamenter
- Et godt immunforsvar
- Sunn og sterk muskuatur
- Velfungerende nervesystem
- Sunne lunger og et velfungerende respirasjonssystem
- Et velfungerende metabolisksystem
- God fertilitet
- Et sunt fordøyelsessystem
- Sterk leverfunksjon
- Sunne ledd
- God vekst hos unghester
Oil 5.80%, Protein 17.35% and DE 6.70 MJ/kg (Please note these are in Kg amounts)
Each 100 grams contains:
21.17 grams of micronised linseed
12 grams magnesium (low iron magnesium oxide)
10 grams lysine
5 grams salt
5 grams phosphorous (low iron mono-sodium phosphate)
3 grams methionine
1200 mg zinc (bioplex)
400 mg copper (bioplex)
1 mg selenium (yeast)
2mg iodine (calcium iodate)
2000 iu vitamin E oil
30 mg biotin
100 mg vitamin B1 thiamine
100 mg vitamin B6 pyridoxine
20 mg folic acid
Merk! På bakgrunn av norske grovforanalyser anbefaler vi at du gir 20 ml Forageplus Kalsium på 100 g Forageplus Hoof and Skin Balancer om du ikke har grovforanalyse. Ta kontakt om du trenger hjelp med dosering eller lurer på noe.
Be aware that the above analysis for 100 grams is equivalent to elemental values fed.
The volume feed rate (100 grams) is not the same as the elemental feed rate values (above). Therefore the above figures will not equal 100 grams.
200 – 400 kg horse 75 grams per day.
400 – 600 kg horse 100 grams per day.
600 – 700 kg horse 125 grams per day.
700 – 800 kg horse 150 grams per day.
A 50ml scoop contains approximately 48 grams.
Feeding a 400-600kg horse this product should last you 50 days.
38 reviews for Hoof and Skin Health Winter Balancer
5 out of 5
Ciaramunn (verified owner) – February 19, 2021
Fantastic product that I would be lost without. It is a must for the wet winter months. Not only is there a huge difference in my horses hooves, his skin and coat have been shining all winter.
5 out of 5
Tricia Callow (verified owner) – February 16, 2021
My horse had never had good feet – brittle, breaking and always losing shoes. He’d been on other additives for hooves for most of his life. I replaced these AND another general additive with Hoof and Skin Health Winter Balancer and geronimo! within a couple of months, even my farrier (professional, cautious, pessimistic) had to admit that there was a remarkable improvement in his feet. He also needs smaller amounts of expensive feed and is full of energy mostly on hay, un-molassed chaff and a little sugarbeet. See also my review of Hoof and Skin Health Summer Balancer which I swap to when he is out on grass for half the day.
5 out of 5
Nikkiandcassie30 (verified owner) – December 21, 2020
My horse literally glows on forage plus!
She has the summer balancer in summer and the easy pack meadow hay!
I’m so pleased with her health! -
5 out of 5
GreyConnie (verified owner) – October 24, 2020
Before the hoof and skin balancers my pony’s hooves regularly disintegrated and his shoes fell off! Since he went barefoot and we have been using these balancers his hoof quality is so much better. Even his farrier is impressed – and says so!
5 out of 5
kezshad (verified owner) – October 11, 2020
My cob mare has been on this for a while now. She is clipped year round and was very scurfy all the time. This year, I’ve not noticed any scurfy and I can only put that down to the forageplus balancer. Her feet are great and she has a wonderful shiny black coat too.
5 out of 5
Lachlan Phillips (verified owner) – September 15, 2020
Was recommended this product via an equine nutritionist to help my horse.
I am really happy with this balancer, the fact that no trigger ingredients are inside, and my horses condition rapidly improved after starting it. -
5 out of 5
Juliabrant (verified owner) – July 17, 2020
Really cost effective, with great results. Coat colour became richer and more depth of tone, hoof growth tightened up after introducing this product several years ago. Positive results seen on all 3 of my horses when put on this product.
5 out of 5
Ms Jo Smith (verified owner) – June 19, 2020
My horse, Harris, has always had feet which were on the poor side of OK – not terrible, but he didn’t produce good , strong growth and often lost shoes. I had always fed a broad spectrum multi vitamin and never used a hoof-specific product.
In January 2020 he had surgery to remove a hoof keratoma, which left him with a circular hole approx 4cm diameter in his hoof wall. I needed a product which would encourage fast, strong hoof growth and Forage Plus was suggested.
Six months on and Harris is growing hoof faster and stronger than ever. My farrier has been amazed at the improvement and the hole in his hoof is now only about 1cm from being completely grown out.
I’m confident his recovery time would not have been as quick without the balancer. -
5 out of 5
joannna.seward – December 17, 2019
Can’t wait to start this. My horse has just gone barefoot as she’s always losing shoes. She’s on plain biotin now. I’ll see the difference soon I hope!
5 out of 5
Plus Admin – November 19, 2019
I have a barefoot appaloosa and last April things went downhill and I was recommeded by my bare foot trimmer to use the above product. My horse was then diagnosed with thin soles. She had to be shod. I am now 6 months down the line and I have had her hinds removed and all going well. I have noticed since using the winter mix consistently my horse has a better coat and the feet are much improved. Susan
5 out of 5
annaharl – December 4, 2017
I used to mix my own minerals, feet were good but we still struggled with skin troubles on the heels – this balancer has completely cleared up any trace of problems in my sensitive grey mare. Very impressed!
5 out of 5
janice.cornbloom@gmail.com – November 4, 2017
I have used this balancer since 2015 when my horse had a prolonged period of box rest due to a suspensory injury. I received very helpful advice from Forageplus and have continued to use the product along with Micronised Linseed. My horse continues to look better and better with this combination.
5 out of 5
Sheila – November 4, 2017
I would not use anything else for my pony, I have been using this for over a year now and my mare has developed rock crunching hooves after being shod all her life now aged 25 and is full of energy.
5 out of 5
pjanebyrne@btinternet.com – February 24, 2017
Wonderful product! My farrier loves the effect it has on my mare’s hooves. Also helps with her ultra sensitive skin. The best product I have come across for the care of my horse!!
5 out of 5
bam – February 24, 2017
I came across Forageplus via the barefoot horse owners group on Facebook. I had taken on a 19 year old TB with poor feet , several vertical cracks in his front hooves and after a winter of hoof problemns I knew I had to improve hoof condition. I added Forageplus to his diet and the cracks grew out. He only has one now which is due to an old injury. His last 2 winters he has been sound and hoof problem free. I was so pleased with the results for Bam I added it my 2 cobs diet as well, I had no trouble with them eating it and even my sheep like to nick a bit of horse feed given the opportunity so it must be pretty palatable.
5 out of 5
c.blackburn@ed.ac.uk – February 23, 2017
I’ve been using this balancer for just over a year now, having been recommended to start using it by my farrier. Over this time, I’ve seen a huge improvement in my horse’s hooves, including a very marked improvement in one of them who previously had very poor feet. Very highly recommended.
5 out of 5
Carolyn Cohen – December 5, 2016
Amazing results from Forageplus Winter hoof & Skin, used since Oct. 2015 on farrier recommendation, WOW what a difference April 2016 moving onto summer balancer. Our Show Connemara’s feet look fab now, were previously crumbly around edges/nail holes & a bit ridgey. Can highly recommend this product. We also use the Micronised Linseed & have recent advise from Sarah about contiued use of this & other general feed to build up a little more condition due to late arrival of our Spring grass. Thank you very much. 5*
5 out of 5
beccaandbully@aol.com – February 8, 2016
Fantastic product ..I was advised to try on my 5yr old mare who we keep a close eye on when she’s on grass due to being a very good doer. Her hoof quality is greatly improved she’s looking and feeling amazing having been in work 5 months I believe this product has made a massive impact on her health and wellbeing and she’s absolutely thriving. I’ve also put my 23yr old and our other showjumping pony on this and both are looking fantastic and have coats like glass and noticeable improvement by farrier on the hooves!
Thank you forageplus for the fabulous products x -
5 out of 5
Rachel.Barker – May 1, 2015
I have been feeding my Haflinger forageplus for a year now and her feet have gone from crumbling away to good quality hooves, farrier really pleased with them. After ripping her shoes off so many times she had hardly any hooves left and had to be unshod for 9 months. After being on the FP she is now keeping shoes on and her hooves look great. Frogs also so much better than last year when they nearly disappeared completely. I just feed with no molasses chop and with linseed in Winter. Couldn’t recommend enough!
5 out of 5
kathycarter – March 30, 2015
I have been using Forage Plus’s Hoof and Skin Health Winter supplement for around eighteen months now, having been using ‘straight’ minerals previously. As soon as I got the dosage right – as I think I was under-dosing my big draught-cross horse, initially – the difference was clear to see, notably in his feet, which became stronger and looked healthier. Although there are cheaper supplements out there, I don’t mind paying for Forage Plus’s products, as I feel that I am paying for their mixology expertise and their nutritional knowledge. It’s quite straightforward in that you get what you pay for, which in this case is a high-spec supplement at good nutritional levels, without fillers, that optimises equine health and maximises the chances of a positive barefoot hoofcare regime, in my case. I do feel that their customer service is excellent – my products are delivered efficiently and on time, and Sarah has replied to me offering advice on the results of my forage analysis, and how my FP supplement fits in with my forage analysis results, on several occasions, which is very kind. All in all, a really good product range from a reliable company!
5 out of 5
julie.millarrobinson – March 26, 2015
Honestly amazed at the changes to my horse since I started with this (and other minerals). My horse is a different person and his feet & coat look amazing, even though he is a yak in his winter fuzz at the moment! Can’t wait to see the ongoing changes! Thank-you.
5 out of 5
pippic – March 13, 2015
My barefoot arab’s trimmer recommended that I swap my old balancer for this Forageplus one. We’ve both been delighted with the quality of the new growth over the past three months. His white line and frogs are looking increasingly healthy despite the wet weather. He’s also hacking out comfortably over all surfaces and at all speeds without boots for the first time in two years. Very pleased!!
5 out of 5
tiana – February 13, 2015
My Barefoot trimmer recommended Forage Plus back in November as my pony had poor quality white lines in 3 of his feet. His feet had gone very sensitive to stones/gravel etc due to him being very poorly for several months with IMHA, an auto immune disease.
On Sarah’s advice, I bought Hoof and Skin Health Winter balancer (mixed with micronised linseed and a small amount of Fast fibre some Protexin to help his gut stay healthy after his bad year!) and his feet have really improved. He is now happy walking on most surfaces and I am sure it will keep improving with time.
The white line issue has nearly grown out of all 3 feet.
Happy pony and happy owner!
Thanks Sarah for being so helpful and taking the time to reply to my emails before my 1st order as well as after regarding diet. -
5 out of 5
Tabitha142@hotmail.com – January 17, 2015
I started using the Winter Hoof and Skin Balancer and an additional amino acid after a very helpful chat with Sarah. My horse had very poor frog quality since moving to a new area, despite a rigorous routine of wire brushing, scrubbing, soaking, and a shelf of very good products they still looked poor if I didn’t keep up with cleaning and soaking the feet pretty much every day. My big boy has also always had a sensitivity to stones and is particularly footy in the wet.
Within a miraculous two weeks the FP products had had a dramatically positive impact on the frogs, I no longer had to do their feet every day. Another two weeks on and I only do his feet occasionally, just to help any little pockets if they are there, these are few and rare thoough now.
Tacking my boy up I found his boots just too tight, I am wary of riding him without them on surfaces that could have stones, as he is very sensitive, think princess and the pea… However he was already tacked up so I thought I would just see. We had a short hack with him striding out confidently over uneven road surfaces with those horrible little stones I would usually avoid. To say I was thrilled doesn’t even come close! we haven’t been able to do this for a long time. I have been recommending this company to anyone and everyone!! The difference is enormous and I now feel confident building up a barefoot ridden conditioning programme. Thanks so much!!
5 out of 5
Danielle – October 29, 2014
Thank you so much to Terry Maden for recommending Forageplus Hoof Health. My horses hooves are doing fab. Thanks Forageplus because now he is barefoot and getting better and better since feeding the Hoof Health.
5 out of 5
J Johnston – October 14, 2014
I have been feeding my new horse the Winter Hoof Health Balancer, linseed and Glutamine Plus since September. He is looking amazing (and he’s an ex-racehorse), he is a super weight and is putting on muscle really well. Perhaps the most impressive of all is the fact a scar on his chest, which had a lot of hair missing around it and he has had for ages, is now next to non-existent as the hair has grown back around it. I love feeding it knowing my horse is getting everything he needs, especially going into a nasty winter. His skin on his heals is now healthy too in conjunction with topical creams.
Thankyou! -
5 out of 5
Helen Hogben – September 30, 2014
My 13 yr old thoroughbred has for the past 4 years virtually been out of work due to poor feet. He has been barefoot for 3.5 yrs but improvement slow, then this year was told about forageplus and within 3 months improvement is obvious, good horn and tenderness going. I feed methionine and winter minerals, which he takes readily and I can only assume because he needs the minerals as usually he is very fussy about additives. Thank u forage plus at last something is working.
5 out of 5
saz5083 – January 24, 2014
My 3 year old tb x has constantly required support to maintain healthy frogs free from thrush. Despite what appeared to be a good diet and applying topical remedies we just couldnt get a handle on it. After much research I started him on the winter hoof health balancer 6 weeks ago and the change in his feet is nothing short of amazing! He always had nice feet but his new growth is even tighter and the concavity of his soles has increased, and we finally have cleared up his smelly frogs!
I have been so impressed by this product I have started moving my other horse on to it. He has quite flat soles and struggled barefoot before (so much so we put shoes back on last summer) but if it works as well for him as it has for the youngster I think we may be onto a winner and will be trying him without shoes again as his feet improve. I would highly recommend this product to anyone, we certainly won’t be changing! -
5 out of 5
Marina MacKenzie – October 28, 2013
I’ve been using the Hoof Health balancer for my mare and have been so pleased with the results that I’ve started feeding it to my gelding too. Although some horses may find it unpalatable mine both started taking it with no difficulty (I introduced it over a few days). They get it mixed into A&P Fast Fibre and lick their buckets clean. I can see tighter hoof growth in the time that I’ve been using this balancer and am looking forward to seeing the whole new hoof capsule after a few months. It’s a bit pricey but I no longer need to buy additional calmers. Overall I’d say Hoof Health Balancer is a great product and I’d highly recommend it.
5 out of 5
welshdalesfell – September 16, 2013
We have only been using this product just 6wks but can see a difference already, my lads feet show good growth & he’s mane is thickening well. We have only been barefoot 7weeks and tried this on recommendation from our new trimmer, I’m very pleased so far with this product.
5 out of 5
uschweder – August 30, 2013
I’ve previously tried mixing various supplements but never got the mineral balance right, especially for magnesium, copper and zinc. This mix has everything my TB needs so in the end it’s cheaper in the long run and more effective. He has good strong barefoot hooves and a very shiny coat. Needless to say I’m very happy with this product and will continue using it all year round. Highly recommended.
5 out of 5
juliedoorne – August 29, 2013
I first started using Forageplus Winter Hoof Balancer on the advice of my barefoot trimmer. The difference to my horses hooves is amazing. You can actually see the line half way up (6 months growth) where his feet start looking harder and tighter somehow. His coat is gleaming and he looks the picture of health. He has his Forageplus in a small amount of Fast Fibre and has ad lib hay. I am delighted and will continue to use the minerals as they so obviously do him good.
5 out of 5
Johanna – August 29, 2013
Excellent product. I now have all my 5 horses on this; they are all barefoot good doers on limited grazing and hay-based diet all year round. Since feeding ForagePlus balancer, all have stronger healthier feet and are looking great all over. No more feeding multiple supplements, just ForagePlus with micronised linseed and YeaSacc mixed to a handful of hay chaff – easy simple feeding!
5 out of 5
Jo_1280 – August 23, 2013
I bought my TB this time last year and he had underun, contracted heels, long toes and poor quality horn. I took him barefoot and he coped ok until winter, we had soft tissue damage in one foot and he was so careful on any hard ground, walked toe first and just struggled unless in the field.
I started him on the hoof supplement in January and within a short space of time the angles on his hooves were starting to change, as well as the horn quality, it took about 2 months of gradual road work in hand but he began to walk heel first and cope with most ground.
We still have about 3 months of un-mineralized hoof to grow out but the difference is amazing, his hinds which were bull nozed are normal, his heels are getting stronger, overall the angles are returning to normal and he hacks out on all ground with little bother. He’s still careful on stony ground but I imagine in 3 months will be rock crunching.
Massive thanks to Forageplus, this really is a great product, I’ve even started my other horse on it now, she is already a rock cruncher but I’ve seen what minerals can do and I don’t want her to miss out!
5 out of 5
Barbs – August 21, 2013
I decided to try Hoof Health Winter balancer to improve my 20 year old Anglo Arab’s nutritional status whilst he was on 8 weeks box rest following his first (and hopefully last) laminitis attack following diagnosis of Cushings Disease.
During his box rest he was on a weight loss diet of soaked hay, chopped oat straw and two tiny meals of Speedibeet to carry a generic supplement. He lost 55kg but started to look quite poor. Then I found the Forageplus website. After looking through the products I ordered some Hoof Health Winter Balancer as, together with micronised linseed, it seemed to cover all George’s nutritional needs.
I am so glad I did. He has been on the balancer now for almost 8 weeks. The new growth from his coronary bands is nice and tight and smooth. He is bright and chirpy and, additionally, the balancer seems to have supported his skin health whilst he was recovering from a recurring dermatitis problem.
I did have trouble getting him to eat it at first. I introduced it gradually over a week, mixing it well with his Speedibeet. He was very suspicious from the start but did eat it until I got to about 60g of his target of 100g dose, divided into two meals. He wouldn’t go beyond that so I mixed in a couple of crushed extra strong mints, as Sarah suggested. He still wouldn’t eat it. I tried this for three days then added a handful of Simple System alfalfa stalks. He managed to eat the stalks and leave the rest! I tried a handful of Dengie unmolassed alfalfa, which the horse next door gets. Same effect. The nearest stockist of Allen & Page Fast Fibre is some distance away but I thought I should try that. I got a sack and mixed up the half the full amount of his supplement and linseed and Mag Ox with 200g of the Fast Fibre. Bingo! He ate the lot and asked for more. Fast Fibre is amazing stuff. It really does soak to a mash in a minute.
I wish I had found the Forageplus website earlier. This Hoof Health Winter balancer has helped support my horse’s hooves already, I can’t wait to see the whole new hoof. At the rate he is growing them it certainly won’t take the usual 9-12 months. On Sarah’s advice I am now giving George 10g of lysine powder to help him utilise the protein in his diet more effectively. My next step is forage analysis. Thank you for such an excellent website and such helpful advice Sarah.
5 out of 5
bsfrost – August 21, 2013
Fantastic product! Can hardly believe the improvement in my horses feet. Both have strong and healthy hooves and are rock-crunching cheerfully over all terrain. The older girl, who was shod for over ten years, now no longer needs her hoof boots at all. Super stuff!
5 out of 5
sara.eblet – March 10, 2013
I can’t recommend ForagePlus and the Winter Hoof Balancer enough. My mare had been barefoot for a couple of years on a well known hoof supplement, but she never quite grew the healthy hooves we were expecting and she was still uncomfortable on certain surfaces. I made the change to Winter Balancer (and later the Winter Hoof Balancer when that became available) at the end of last year to support healthy sole growth as xrays showed my mare had paper thin soles. Sarah was also invaluable to me and since we made the change there has been no looking back, the change in her feet has been visable in their appearance and her performance. I wish I had known about these products earlier so I now spread the word as much as I can.
5 out of 5
SallyBarney – September 2, 2013
My horse has been barefoot for many years, competing at low level endurance and trec without a hitch. However after spending a summer on box rest, followed by last winter’s cold and wet weather, we have struggled to get her as comfortable on stony ground. Despite outwardly good feet, she was clearly unhappy to walk over stony areas or rough ground, and showed virtually no growth.
On the recommendation of my trimmer I investigated Forageplus and chose Winter Hoof Balancer as we have very limited grass. I also took the advice on the website and changed her diet from a well-known balancer, alfalfa and unmolassed sugarbeet to FastFibre, a handful of hay chop, linseed and the minerals. I had no difficulty persuading her to eat up, although I did introduce the minerals over a week.
That was just one month ago and I can’t quite believe that I am already seeing positive results – with my horse obviously more comfortable on her feet. Based on that, I’m planning on continuing to feed the minerals for the foreseeable future – and look forward to seeing her progress in the coming months.