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Forageplus Hoof and Skin Health Summer Balancer 5 kg
Ta med måleskje her.
Dette tilskuddet, som er lav på jern, er formulert med tanke på hov- og hudhelse hos hesten ved hjelp av data hentet inn fra vitenskapelige analyser av Forageplus sine prøver. Alle Forageplus Balancers kommer i pulverform, inneholder lite sukker og stivelse, inneholder ikke unødvendig fyllstoff og bare mineraler og vitaminer med høyeste renhet.
I tillegg har vi formulert Hoof and Skin Health Summer Balancer slik at det er det ultimate tilskuddet som dekker alle hestens andre behov, så lenge han / hun er på en grovforbasert diett, og hesten er i lett til moderat bruk. Forageplus Hoof and Skin Health Summer Balancer er det ideelle akkompagnementet til rene fôrvarianter som brukes i hestefôr som betfiber, alfalfa og mer. Du kan også gi den sammen med ferdige blandinger som feks ulike musli. Mineralene som brukes er av høy kvalitet for å sikre mot forurensning av tungmetaller og muliggjør god absorpsjonshastighet. Om hesten din ikke står på beite om sommeren og får gress bør du gi Winter Hoof and Skin Health Balancer som i tilegg inneholder E-vitamin.
Forageplus Hoof and Skin Health Summer Balancer matcher næringsstoffer med fôret som en hest får.
Tilførsel av riktige nivåer av næringsstoffer i fôr er et viktig hensyn når du opprettholder og støtter:
- Sunne høver uten sprekker og med gode lameller
- Sunne stråler
- Sunn hud
- Skinnende og blank pels uten blekede områder
- Sterke sender, ledd og ligamenter
- Et godt immunforsvar
- Sunn og sterk muskuatur
- Velfungerende nervesystem
- Sunne lunger og et velfungerende respirasjonssystem
- Et velfungerende metabolisksystem
- God fertilitet
- Et sunt fordøyelsessystem
- Sterk leverfunksjon
- Sunne ledd
- God vekst hos unghester
Oil 5.80%, Protein 17.35% and DE 6.70 MJ/kg (please note these are Kg amounts)
Each 100 grams contains:
25.17 grams of micronised linseed
12 grams magnesium (low iron magnesium oxide)
10 grams lysine
5 grams salt
5 grams phosphorous (low iron mono-sodium.phosphate)
3 grams methionine
1200mg zinc (bioplex)
400 mg copper (bioplex)
2mg iodine (calcium iodate)
1mg selenium (yeast)
30 mg biotin
100 mg vitamin B1 thiamine
100 mg vitamin B6 pyridoxine
20 mg folic acid
Merk! På bakgrunn av norske grovforanalyser anbefaler vi at du gir 20 ml Forageplus Kalsium på 100 g Forageplus Hoof and Skin Balancer om du ikke har grovforanalyse. Ta kontakt om du trenger hjelp med dosering eller lurer på noe.
Be aware that the above analysis for 100 grams is equivalent to elemental values fed.
The volume feed rate (100 grams) is not the same as the elemental feed rate values (above). Therefore the above figures will not equal 100 grams.
200 400 kg horse 75 grams per day.
400 600 kg horse 100 grams per day.
600 700 kg horse 125 grams per day.
700 800 kg horse 150 grams per day.
A 50ml scoop contains approximately 48 grams.
Feeding a 400 -600kg horse this product should last you 50 days.
17 reviews for Hoof and Skin Health Summer Balancer
5 out of 5
GreyConnie (verified owner) February 17, 2021
A great product that complements the Winter Balancer. Wouldnt use anything else as produces great hooves!
5 out of 5
GreyConnie (verified owner) February 17, 2021
A great product that complements the Winter Balancer. Leos hooves have never been as good since we started these balancers.
5 out of 5
Tricia Callow (verified owner) February 16, 2021
My horse had never had good feet brittle, breaking and always losing shoes. Hed been on other additives for hooves for most of his life. I replaced these AND another general additive with Hoof and Skin Health Summer Balancer and geronimo! within a couple of months, even my farrier (professional, cautious, pessimistic) had to admit that there was a remarkable improvement in his feet. He also needs smaller amounts of expensive feed and is full of energy mostly on hay, un-molassed chaff and a little sugarbeet. See also my review of Hoof and Skin Health Winter Balancer which I swap to every winter.as he gets no grass for 6 months.
5 out of 5
Nikkiandcassie30 (verified owner) October 19, 2020
Love this product! My horse has never looked and felt so healthy!
It really shows in her hooves, coat and temperament! -
5 out of 5
Lorna Jagger (verified owner) August 27, 2020
Ive only been using this balancer for 3 weeks, but already there are changes. My 20yr old tb mare has changed coat colour she was a dappled bay. Now she is definitely a dark dappled bay. My boy a Welsh d x, has always had reasonable feet but since he has been diagnosed with navicular, I wanted to get the best feet he could possibly have, and the soles of his feet have already hardened off. I will continue to use this balancer, but may upgrade to a bespoke one.
5 out of 5
Ciaramunn (verified owner) July 9, 2019
The difference this supplement has made on my 4 years old hooves and coat has been amazing. After 4 weeks you could see the new growth half way down the hoof. His hooves are stronger than ever before. I had him on other supplements last year but they didnt make half as much of an impact.
In terms of his general well being, he looks healthier than ever. His coat is gleaming even though he is out during the day with no rug on. This product is definitely worth the price as it has ultimately reduced my costs in other supplements and products. -
5 out of 5
Katherine Harberd December 4, 2017
I use this balancer as it is so much easier than mixing all the ingredients myself and great to know they are all top quality and levels are just right for my horse.
5 out of 5
lanningg@gmail.com November 4, 2017
I have used the Hoof and Skin Health Balancer for two years now, after being recommended by Mark Johnson, my trimmer. The horses hooves have just continued to improve. After 10 years in shoes I never thought I would have a horse I could ride barefoot with confidence.
5 out of 5
Carolyn Cohen May 12, 2016
Having used the Hoof & Skin Winter Balancer since Oct. 2015 with fantastic results, I have changed to the Summer Version from April.
Hooves looking amazing & summer coat coming through in wonderful rich glow. Easy to feed just mix in with Sugar Beet or similar. -
5 out of 5
Rikke September 24, 2014
Have been using this supplement for my four horses about 3 months. They all(!) had thrushy frogs, and quite bad at that. Now, even though environment has not changed and they at times have been standing in deep mud (turnout 24/7), the thrush is now gone. Id wish I could post pictures to show the improvement, but healthy frog is now growing out in even the most infected frogs. I am simply amazed. I cannot think it should be anything but the supplement, as I have done no topical treatments for the past 1-2 months.
I hope I will find the finances (being a poor student) to provide this supplement for my horses in the future as well.
5 out of 5
kateweeksbowen May 17, 2014
My horses have been on this for about 6 weeks now, their coats are so shiny they looked like theyve been polished! One of my horses always had gummy eyes and these have cleared up completely. My mare is much sweeter and more affectionate. Its a little early to tell re. hooves, but am hoping that it will help with one horse who struggles to maintain good foot health. Very pleased, it doesnt work out much more expensive than the Global Herbs Globavite which has manganese in it which according to your research is unnecessary. Will keep you posted re. feet.
5 out of 5
Elizabeth September 10, 2013
My horse seems more relaxed and is not as tense throughout his body since using this product. There is no problem getting it down him as he licks his bucket clean afterwards!
5 out of 5
organicamanda August 29, 2013
Our Shire X 18hh is a good doer! But his coat didnt have a shine and he has always struggled to maintain the health of his frogs and skin. Our trimmer suggested Forageplus to nutritionally support him in his recovery from thrush and mud fever. Even though we are only half way through a 5kg bag of Hoof Health Summer his coat and condition have improved dramatically. So much so that yesterday a fellow livery asked me what he had because he was so dappled all over. Delighted! Will continue to feed it with his small handful of bran & non molassed sugar beet.
5 out of 5
SR August 29, 2013
Was recommended this to help my little cob who was having some metabolic issues which were showing in his feet. Both my trimmer and I were stumped as to what had gone wrong.
Welll, since feeding this balancer he has gone from strength to strength, have now got my sister to feed it to her IDx and if I can convince my TB to eat it he will be fed this too.
Marvellous stuff. Does exactly what it says on the tin/bag.
5 out of 5
Juliawalton August 25, 2013
Only been using it for 2 months but the horses really like it which helps because in the summer they dont get much food to mix it with.
5 out of 5
elsie August 21, 2013
I have given FPs Hoof Health 5 stars as after using one 5kg bag my barefoot mares slightly recessed whiteline is improving the recess becoming shallower. My trimmer had always suggested that I should use targeted minerals in order to nutritionally support her hoof quality and white line. After nearly 2 years on a quality no-sugar feed her general condition was good but her hoof quality needed additional nutritional support. My trimmer explained that commercial feeds supply additional iron even though much of the UKs forage has a high iron content which inhibits the uptake of zinc and copper essential for horses health and hooves particularly. I have ordered a second bag and look forward to seeing continued improvement to her hooves. My mare has no problem with the taste of the minerals. I mix it dry with some ground linseed and 3 handfuls of plain chaff which has mint added and then some water and mix thoroughly.
5 out of 5
caligulaspony August 21, 2013
My barefoot youngster had always been fed a supplement from another well known company, and I considered her to be in great health.
However, since being on the Forageplus Hoof Health Balancer there have been noticeable improvements to the quality of hoof growing down. Also, she has become much calmer and more sunny tempered, although whether that is also down to the balancer, or just that she is finally growing up, I cant be sure!
She will be staying on the Forageplus Balancer from now on.